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Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.




Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Production of goods & services - Lean production,  Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Production of goods & services - Lean production, Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Lesson Plan Topic: Production of goods and services - Lean production, etc. ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Explain the meaning of production: •• Managing resources effectively to produce goods and services •• Difference between production and productivity •• Benefits of increasing efficiency and how to increase it, e.g. increasing productivity by automation and technology, improved labour Skills •• Why businesses hold inventories •• The concept of lean production: how to achieve it, e.g. just-in-time inventory control and Kaizen; benefits of lean production The main methods of production: •• Features, benefits and limitations of job, batch and flow production •• Recommend and justify an appropriate production method for a given situation How technology has changed production methods, e.g. using computers in design and Manufacturing. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Statement of financial position Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Statement of financial position Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Lesson Plan Topic: Statement of financial position - ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Identify the main elements of a statement of financial position: •• The main classifications of assets and liabilities, using examples. Interpret a simple statement of financial position and make deductions from it, e.g. how a business is financing its activities and what assets it owns, sale of inventories to raise finance (constructing statements of financial position will not be assessed) NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Costs, scale of production and break-even analysis. 'MS word doc. Lesson Plan IGCSE Business Studies

Costs, scale of production and break-even analysis. 'MS word doc. Lesson Plan IGCSE Business Studies

Lesson Plan Topic: Costs, scale of production and break-even analysis - ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Define, identify and classify costs and classify costs using examples. - Use cost data to help make simple cost-based decisions, - Describe the concepts of economies and diseconomies of scale: with examples. - Construct, complete or amend a simple break-even chart • Interpret a given chart and use it to analyse a situation • Calculate break-even output from given data • Define, calculate and interpret the margin of safety • Use break-even analysis to help make simple decisions, e.g. impact of higher price • Understand the limitations of break-even analysis. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Classification of businesses Lesson Plan. 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Classification of businesses Lesson Plan. 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Lesson Plan Topic: Classification of businesses - ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Classify Business activity in terms of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors: •• Basis of business classification, using examples to illustrate the classification •• Reasons for the changing importance of business classification, e.g. in developed and developing economies. Classify business enterprises between private sector and public sector in a mixed economy. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
International specialisation Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

International specialisation Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: International specialisation Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Specialisation at a national level - The basis for Specialisation at national level in broad terms of: superior resource allocation and/or cheaper production methods. Advantages and disadvantages of specialization at a national level - For consumers, firms and the economy. NB: You can add your school’s name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Organisational charts and The role of management. Lesson Plan  'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Organisational charts and The role of management. Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Lesson Plan Topic: Organisational charts and The role of management - ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Draw, interpret and understand simple organisational charts: •• Simple hierarchical structures: span of control, levels of hierarchy, chain of command •• Roles and responsibilities of directors, managers, supervisors, other employees in an organization and inter-relationships between them. The role of management: •• Functions of management, e.g. planning, organising, coordinating, commanding and controlling •• Importance of delegation; trust versus control. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Recruitment, selection and training of employees Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Recruitment, selection and training of employees Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies

Lesson Plan Topic: Recruitment, selection and training of employees - ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Explain the Recruitment and selecting employees: •• Recruitment and selection methods. •• Difference between internal recruitment and external recruitment •• Main stages in recruitment and selection of employees •• Recommend and justify who to employ in given circumstances •• Benefits and limitations of part-time employees and full-time employees. The importance of training and the methods of training: •• Importance of training to a business and to employees •• Benefits and limitations of induction training, on-the-job training and off-the-job training Why reducing the size of the workforce might be necessary: •• Difference between dismissal and redundancy with examples •• Understand situations in which downsizing the workforce might be necessary, e.g. automation or reduced demand for products •• Recommend and justify which employees to make redundant in given circumstances. Legal controls over employment issues and their impact on employers and employees. •• Legal controls over employment contracts, unfair dismissal, discrimination, health and safety, legal minimum wage NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting the topics and objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Supply-side policy Supply-side policy Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Supply-side policy Supply-side policy Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: Supply-side policy Supply-side policy Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Define supply-side policy. describe supply-side policy measures and. effects of supply-side policy measures on government macroeconomic aims NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Economic issues;  Business cycle, Government control,  Lesson Plan 'MS Word' IGCSE Business Studies

Economic issues; Business cycle, Government control, Lesson Plan 'MS Word' IGCSE Business Studies

Lesson Plan Topic: conomic issues; Business cycle, Government control, etc. - ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Identify and explain the Business cycle: •• Main stages of the business cycle, e.g. growth, boom, recession, slump. •• Impact on businesses of changes in employment levels, inflation and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). How government control over the economy affects business activity and how businesses may respond: •• Identify government economic objectives, e.g. increasing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) •• Impact of changes in taxes and government spending •• Impact of changes in interest rates •• How businesses might respond to these changes. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Bundle Sales!!! Market research - Methods and Sampling 'ppt' plus  Lesson Plan.

Bundle Sales!!! Market research - Methods and Sampling 'ppt' plus Lesson Plan.

2 Resources
PPt + Lesson Plan Bundle; Market-orientated businesses (uses of market research information to a business) • Primary research and secondary research (benefits and limitations of each) • Methods of primary research, e.g. postal questionnaire, …, focus groups • The need for sampling • Methods of secondary research, • Factors influencing the accuracy of market research data. ‘Class Activity, Question and Answers. Get rid of teaching stress! Aim for the A* stars!!
Bundle Sales!!! ''Cash-flow forecasting and working capital 'ppt' + Lesson Plan Bundle'' IGCSE Business Studies .

Bundle Sales!!! ''Cash-flow forecasting and working capital 'ppt' + Lesson Plan Bundle'' IGCSE Business Studies .

2 Resources
Cash -flow forecasting …Ppt + Lesson Plan Bundle Explain Cash-flow forecasting and working capital. Identify and explain the importance of cash and of cash-flow forecasting: • Why cash is important to a business. • What a cash-flow forecast is, how a simple one is constructed and the importance of it. • Amend or complete a simple cash-flow forecast. • How to interpret a simple cash-flow forecast. • How a short-term cash-flow problem might be overcome, e.g. increasing loans, delaying payments, asking debtors to pay more quickly. Working capital: • The concept and importance of working capital. Class Activity with Solutions. Get rid of teaching stress! Aim for the A* stars!!
Monetary Policy and Supply-side Policy 'ppt' IGCSE Economics and Bus Studies

Monetary Policy and Supply-side Policy 'ppt' IGCSE Economics and Bus Studies

Complete Lesson. Topic: Monetary Policy and Supply-side Policy ‘ppt’, ** IGCSE Economics syllabus. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ ‘Multiple Choice Questions with Answers.’ Lesson Objectives; At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to; Define money supply and monetary policy Identify and explain the monetary policy measures - Changes in interest rates, money supply and foreign exchange rates. Identify and explain the effects of monetary policy - How monetary policy measures may enable the government to achieve its macroeconomic aims. Define supply -side policy Identify and explain supply-side policy measures - Examples include education and training, labour market reforms, lower direct taxes, deregulation, improving incentives to work and invest, and privatisation. Identify and explain the effects of supply-side policy measures - How supply-side policy measures may enable the government to achieve its macroeconomic aims.
Bundle Sales!!! Money supply and monetary policy measures, Supply -side policy measures PPt + Lesson Plan .

Bundle Sales!!! Money supply and monetary policy measures, Supply -side policy measures PPt + Lesson Plan .

2 Resources
Money supply and monetary policy measures. Changes in interest rates, money supply and foreign exchange rates. Effects of monetary policy - How monetary policy measures may enable the government to achieve its macroeconomic aims. Supply -side policy measures - Examples include education and training, labour market reforms, lower direct taxes, deregulation, improving incentives to work and invest, and privatisation. Effects of supply-side policy measures - How supply-side policy measures may enable the government to achieve its macroeconomic aims. ‘Class Activity’ and Multiple Choice Questions with ‘Answers.’ + Lesson plan on monetary policy
Public Limited Companies  Lesson Plan  'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies & Economics.

Public Limited Companies Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies & Economics.

Lesson Plan Topic: Public Limited Companies Lesson Plan ‘MS word doc.’ IGCSE Business Studies & Economics. Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Identify a Public limited companies, its main features, advantages and disadvantages. •• Concepts of risk, ownership and limited liability •• Recommend and justify a Public limited companies to owners/management in a given situation. NB: Add your school’s name, and logo on top, your name, date, and class year, term and week, etc.
BUSINESS STUDIES Year 11 Papers 1 and 2 IGCSE Exams Questions and Answers 'MS Word' Option A

BUSINESS STUDIES Year 11 Papers 1 and 2 IGCSE Exams Questions and Answers 'MS Word' Option A

Topic: BUSINESS STUDIES Year 11 Papers 1 and 2 IGCSE Exams Questions and Answers ‘MS Word’ Option A. This document is prepared based on the current Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus Subject content. It is intended for testing year 11 final or mock exams. It can be moderated for your school examinations to suit your purpose for the two IGCSE Papers. You may also use it for year 10 exams by downsizing it to match your topics coverage.
BUSINESS STUDIES Year 11 Papers 1 and 2 IGCSE Exams  Questions and Answers 'MS Word' Option B

BUSINESS STUDIES Year 11 Papers 1 and 2 IGCSE Exams Questions and Answers 'MS Word' Option B

Topic: BUSINESS STUDIES Year 11 Papers 1 and 2 IGCSE Exams Questions and Answers ‘MS Word’ Option B. This document is prepared based on the current Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus Subject content. It is intended for testing year 11 final or mock exams. It can be moderated for your school examinations to suit your purpose for the two IGCSE Papers. You may also use it for year 10 exams by downsizing it to match your topics coverage.